how many times can i start overlife is all invention.                    we really all the same?how can that be, when i alone have been so many people                               different one person to the next and one moment to the next and one heartbeat to the next..we are all here together...and yet changing on our can we come to know each other if we never really learn to know ourselves

The subconscouisiof Raleigh is one inspiration, creativity and aligning...Though not a native of this remarkable city, it has been a treat to be yes, to be, with its electic energy and unique diversity So, we must all be, sit in the energy that surrounds drink in its marvelous taste and allow it to permeate our being...To let go of the here and now, the conscious, and be further swallowed by thatsubcoonscious. Thank you, Typewriter Project, for this opportunity to come intothis mindful meditation, and celebrate what the mind & body can create...Namaste,Your visiting friend from Lititz, Pa

The lonely book
Once there was a book who sat
On a shekf of wooden slat
He was of paper and a 
A golden time, a lost age
Who reads me now, who picks me up?
Who loves me now? I give up!
I can't compete with technology
I feel trapped now, no longeer free
No purpose i serve, no usei have
None to give me a second look,
Cos i'm just a lonely book
       A lonely book Life as we live it
                          From birth to death