this is the part where we trade our secrets and stories
i am essentially waiting for a forever that has yet to see me. It'snot really a place I'm looking for but a feeling. Like I belong.
I consider myself a fast learner but I know there are some stars
that I will never see and people I will never know but there is so much
that I don't know. I don't know. The world is infinite but I'm not.
theres no planet science trumps hate
I'm with her!
I was born in Raleigh in 1945. I have lived most of my life here.I attended Pearce College 64-66. I remember we had to wear hats and gloves
to church. It was an all girls school then and I loved my years there. Raleigh
has grown but I still love it.. My Grandmother lived on Whitaker Hill Rd at
five points and I have fond memories of visiting her there. I recently buried
my husband in Oakwood Cemetery in my grandmothers family plot.
In college we ate at Finchs and Cameron Village and downtown were the only
place to Shop. Those were the good old days
I wished they were still
we get the world we deserve. think about that the next time you vote. you are always enough. thank you for putting climate change literature directly in front of the entrance. together they make grey, like the hairs on their head to represent the peace in my soul. take care of yourself.
hello my name is jae and i am an addict.i love them, but what's love in the face of addiction?today i typed on a typewriter for the first time. there is no better than the first time.
I am scared everyone is judging me for what I am writing.
Some people don.t know what friday is.
the earthquake days
I enjoy writing on this. It makes me feel calm.
Today it is a fun day in the strand and everyone is busy.It's hot in Topeka. I am happy today.
poo poo in my shoe by jamesonthere was an old lady who lived in a shoe.s he cried and she cried... for she suffered the flu flu flu flu. look i made a hat where there never was a hat, and there is a cat named matt.
this city has broken me and i wish it weren't of me have disappeared.