on the verge of leaving for los angeles i rushed to strand to find solace and happiness. thank you for being my home new york city.
Thank you to the Strand for helping me have a great birthday. This is my favorite place in NY.---
You are welcome. We are so happy to hear that.
dear cis people, please stop fixing your gaze on me (for your own amusement).
fix the green and let me lean let me see you bee all the universe in a bowl of my grass
Dear mom, I certainly don't tell you this enough but I love you dear mom. I love you. Thank you.
The redheaded boy with jaundice chuckled and all I said today is a great day to be happy. I just ate a sandwich that had broccoli and lychees in it and it was okay but felt like a great testament to human creativity.
this is the first time i've used a typewriter. i hope it it's not my last.
Hi guys. A message from Eric C...... I love you all and i love my friends. Remember that.
love is love is love is love
Today, me and my friends Julia, and Eric hung out. It was definitely very fulfilling. I feel very happy. Thanks guys. You guys are really cool.
Le soleil est revenu. La vie est belle proftons.To be or not to be. That is the question.
L. O. V . E.
Oodles of cascading warm squishy love.