Forget long, and time will return.
The flowers have bloomed. What I see in everyone else, I see in ourselves.
The time was dusk. There was a chill in the air. And all was well.
I bought a knife
We'll go to the beach
If you do not love me
I will kill you
If I do not love you
Kill me
Hello World, I haven't used a typewriter in 50 years. I'm here with my wife and a friend.
We are trying to findbeer and happiness
(Every little thing is gonna be alright)
2434 stop.. they came from the west. Stop being overrun,Send backup and more beer.Said the moon to the earth why the look of despair You are gifted with water trees and the air I by reflection and left with dejection and just a few rocks to To spare
You are all beautiful. Be kind.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl
I love you much, most beautiful darling and I like
you better than everything in the sky i have nothing to say.
Linda told me her name is Skye. I like pie. Especially apple. And PUMPKIN PIE.
All I need is vodka and puppies. Dream as if you live forever, live as if you die today.
I like the girl Skye from above and I like the sky above.
Art is everywhere.
light confirms my reality, gives birth to my form.
Celebrating mom happy birthday mom
Today is a beautiful day with my sweet lover. Enjoying the moment hoping it lasts forever. May tomorrow
Never come.
To whom it may concern:
My dearest love has left me. Left me,
Left me for a younger and more beautiful woman
I write in sorrow to say that I no longer love I only am.
Greetings from Lancaster, PA