Divided we fall. We are divided by artificial lines of code. We pick a team and think that it makes us stronger. It doesn't. We bark and rage at any one who is different, conservative, liberal, millenial, racist. Yet we never consider the similarities between us. We are all born we all die. And now instead of creation, we observe and point and destroy. We post and blog and it gets us nowhere. The internet did not bring us closer. It made it easier to o retreat into ourselves. Our anonymity. We need each other. We are strong together. We could build. We could imagine a better world and make it happen. We could finally rise up and be the people we know, or used to know, that we can be. Labels, thought policing, and pointing only serve to help control you. They are tools, and effective ones, and we accept the yoke of zombihood gladly if it comes with a new app. This is the end or the beginning, and it is up to us to decide which...
And for the first time in my life, I am speechless. Why are we all obsessed with our own image? Why is it important for people to know what you had for breakfast? Who cares? Will it make a difference in your life?
I like rabbits and cheese but not together.
How have you been? I really miss you.
So glad to be hereOn this lovely day amongstArt and lover, life
The only constant is change.
Hi from Florida - ryder and justina and mommy and great grana
The last 3 months have been full of joy and you, a little bit. It might be more than a little (; Anyway, I love the way you laugh, how you smile, and how you bring joy to others as well. Your love for the needy, homeless, and the little stones inspire me to grow in love for these little ones. What I truly love about our relationship is that we both have hearts for these people and that we can spend time with God together.
Dear Danielle,Hope you are doing well. Jen and I are at Ground for Sculptures. We are having fun. Let us know when we can make cookie pie with Charlene and Besas. Miss you all.